Photography Session With a Toddler

The first thing we need to go over is how do you get your toddler to cooperate during your photography session.

The short and sweet answer is: YOU DON’T!

Here’s the thing, the harder we push our toddlers to do something typically (well in my case) they tend to push even harder the other way. The reality is that most toddlers and young kids don’t want to stand or sit for more than a second to get their picture taken and that’s ok!

So how will we get the shot? Here’s a few of my tips and tricks:

  • Don’t be scared to let them move around. Let their personality shine through!

  • Tickles go a long way! This is a sure way to get my toddler to crack a smile even when he’s trying his hardest to be oh so serious.

  • Make sure everyone is well fed and rested. This goes for Mom and Dad too! Nothing worse than being too hungry or too tired. I often will ask upon booking about schedules.

  • Remember that: I get it. I’m a mom and I’ve photographed many families with young kids. Don’t worry about me, feed the baby, let them show me their awesome dance moves and just breath. I promise I’ll get the shot.

When was the last time you got a proper family portrait taken?
