Should we do First Look Pictures?

As a wedding photographer in the Ottawa and Ottawa Valley I get asked many questions regarding wedding timelines and my opinion on different wedding trends.

The BIG question sooooo many couples ponder on… Should we do a first look or wait until we see each other when we walk down the aisle… What’s the answer? Well the best way to answer this is by quoting Rachel McAdams in The Note Book “It’s not that simple.”

Let’s try to break it down with a few simple questions you and your fiancé can go through…

  1. Are you traditional?

  2. Are you hoping for the big emotions when walking down the aisle?

  3. Would you like a private moment the 2 of you before the big event?

Now let’s make it even more complicated… Even though you have a first look it doesn’t mean it will take away from the big moment you walk down the aisle.. Some bride and grooms are just as emotional!

Here are a few alternatives you might be interested in!

  • Both of you stand on either side of a wall like a doorframe or corner of a building (No peeking) reach for each others hand and share a private moment.

  • Do a reveal to a special family member instead! Parents, Lifelong Friend, Kids… You name it!

More confused than ever? Remember that this is your wedding day and you need to do what’s right for you. Don’t follow the trends because everyone is doing it, do what you want!

As a small wedding photographer in Ottawa and the Ottawa Valley, I know that what is right for one couple might not be what the next couple inquiring about wedding photography services will have in mind. It’s so important to make sure as a photographer that we help create and capture the most magical moments for our couples.

If you’re getting married in the Ottawa, Carleton Place, Perth or Lanark Area and looking for more information about our wedding photography services and want to know how to book us for your wedding day fill out our inquiry form and I will get in touch with you right away!